Monday, April 1, 2013

Wealth inequality in America

I'm not normally a political person, but the state of my country is becoming more alarming and even personal for me. So I'm sharing a few facts that I've ran across from other websites: 
First, a YouTube video on the subject that everyone should see:
"To simplify the argument: Even though people in the top income bracket hold more of the wealth, they still only buy one iPhone apiece. There's only so much one person can consume. When defending the new increase in the federal minimum wage, Costco CEO Craig Jelenik said, 'At Costco, we know that paying employees good wages makes good sense for business.' It might make good sense for a stable and prosperous society as well."
"The republic of Rome died not because it was inefficient, but because the leaders behind that system had been corrupted and blinded by greed and glory. The very people they were meant to serve they exploited and in the end, those very people turned against them resulting in the republic’s ultimate collapse. This should be a very important lesson for anyone about the dangers of greed and excess at the expense of others."
Is history repeating itself?

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